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Country Profile


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Are You In A Crisis Right Now?

Is Suicide Decriminalised?

Has the country decriminalised suicide, with clear legal frameworks and policy positions?


Are Crisis Lines Available?

Is free, confidential support from a helpline or hotline available? Status provided by find a helpline.


National Suicide Prevention Strategy?

Is there a national suicide prevention strategy, such as from the WHO, and does include decriminalisation, if known?


Population in Need of Support Per Year

Based on the WHO likely attempted suicide rate.

As a calculation of population size against suicide rate

Strength Of Support (Local Qualitative Assessment)

Political Support

Civil Society Support

Religious / Cultural Support

Legislative Activity

Suicide Rate Per 100K Per Year, all Sexes (SDG 3.4.2)

per 100,000
WHO 2019 for SDG 3.4.2. Global average 1 per 100,000

Suicide Deaths Per Year (By Population)

per annum
As a calculation of population size against suicide rate

Mauritius, officially known as the Republic of Mauritius, is located in the Indian Ocean, off the southeast coast of Africa. The island nation boasts a rich culture reflecting influences from Europe, India, Africa, and China. Known for its vast beaches and crystal-clear waters, the Indian Ocean plays a pivotal role in the lives of Mauritians, who engage in fishing, tourism and sugar production. Hinduism, Christianity and Islam intermingle with Chinese and African beliefs to create the country's unique cultural identity.

Mauritius's legal system combines British Common Law with French Civil Law inherited from colonial-era France and the United Kingdom. During that time, suicide was considered a crime. Although England struck suicide from the statutes in 1961, it has remained a crime in the corpus of laws worldwide.

The World Health Organization (WHO) advocates for the decriminalisation of suicide and suicide attempts. Finding out more and removing such laws removes stigma and allows avenues for providing appropriate mental health support to individuals in crisis.

Criminalising suicide punishes distress. Decriminalising suicide saves lives.

This country profile has been compiled from available research and verified as well as possible. If you wish to supply clarifications, updates, feedback, facts or data, please use the Contact Us form on this page. And if you want your country to take ownership of managing and sharing this information, and progress being made, please register your interest in participating via our Get Involved form.